So I hate moss. And I don't mean I don't like it-- I despise it! Loathe it... maybe even more. I hate how it grows algae better than my orchids and I hate that is rots and dries to a crisp and is uneven.
I just don't like it but love the look of a finely potted neo in this dreaded stuff.
Well, I'm not one to throw in the towel. Unless I'm physically incapable of something, I won't stop (even then I'll take it to the limits). So I decided enough was enough of this disgusting moss and I needed something new.
Aquamat is sold by Ray and when cut into long strips and rolled with the neo roots in the center and then stuffed in to a neo pot with a quarter turn, you get a snug fitting, water retentive but airy media that will dry out nicely between watering and best of all, it only grows orchids and will not rot!
I've been experimenting with this stuff for a few weeks now and I'm ready to report out initial findings-- it works well. The roots that touch this stuff don't stall. The roots already grown stay moist but not wet inside the roll. Watering is a cinch! Dousing them with fresh water cleans the plant quickly, dunking them in fertilized water feeds them just as easily.
But... its no nicely sculpted moss mound...well not exactly. If top-dressed with long strands, I'm able to recreate the look of those wonderful japanese moss mounds! If they get gross, I toss them, or rather, I don't top dress unless I mean to show them (or so that's my plan). I didn't have any long strands to demonstrate so the effect isn't quite what I had in mind, but the potential is there, I can see it.
Aquamat is unproven. Most of my neos remain in moss and I'll struggle through keeping them there until aquamat proves its worth.
I will post pics when I get to my ipad. This forum is jerking around with my Tapatalk app like it means to kill my app!!!!!!