I got this hybrid a few years ago and since then it has encouraged me to take the step to neo's themselves. It's a Neofinetia falcata X Ascocentrum miniatum hybrid but it came without name, only the cross was mentioned. The seller himself didn't know what he was selling, but I saw the similarities with neo's which I had seen somewhere on a forum before, it immediatly got my interest and it didn't let me go!

Even though I was in the states at the time, I still bought it and got it home without much troubles.
The plant itself liked to flower so much every year since then that it has lost al his flower nodes up until the last new leaves. It hasn't flowered this year but I think it's saving up energy to do so again next year. It grows in a hanging basket without media, and seems to like it as long as we water it almost every day. The flowers also have a smell, it is medium strong, but it's a strange scent. I think it smells a lot like those children glue sticks

... not really enjoyable but not aweful either. Neo's do smell a lot better

. Here are some picture of a nice flowering a few years ago, they open up very pale and turn dark orangy-yellow by day 3 orso.