Amami Island type
Cal Orchids offers seedlings of an Amani Island type, based on clones named Tara & Crystal Palace. I have had one of those for about 10 years.
At our local society summer auction, we had a good size new seedling of the same cross in bloom, and I had brought mine in to the show table the same day, so I was able to compare the two. Only when I saw them side by side, did I realize how much larger the flowers are on my plant (about twice the size of the newer seedling).
Some day I will have to bring it in for AOS judging, but for now I just enjoy it.
BTW, I missed that this sub-forum also deals with hybrids. Pls see thread on Neostylis Pinky in the other Vandaceous sub-group.
Last edited by Fairorchids; 01-28-2014 at 11:24 PM..