Checkout this amazing specimen of 'Suruga Fukurin' it's got GREAT variegation because it's grown in high light. This belongs to Stephen Male of Fishing Creek orchids, it's one of the few Fukiran he grows. I was lucky enough to get a small one-fan piece of this that fell of, I love working for a boss who is generous with his plants!!

If you look closely, you can see a ghost growth.
Commonwealth Foundation Headshot (8 of 11) by
orchidman10, on Flickr
Commonwealth Foundation Headshot (9 of 11) by
orchidman10, on Flickr
Commonwealth Foundation Headshot (10 of 11) by
orchidman10, on Flickr
Checkout this mutation! Suruga Fukurin is a marginal variegation and on this small fan the variegation is reversed. Anyone know what this is called?!
Suruga Fukurin (4 of 5) by
orchidman10, on Flickr