Originally Posted by Pilot
I'm curious-- why did you plant them separately? It's just my personal taste, but I love seeing a larger group together. I LOVE the contorted leaves-- beautiful. Your choice in mix is a nice one-- I like the composition a lot. I was never good with moss either but somehow I figured it out. For now it's what I use with my neos in traditional mounding in pots. But I'm totally open to trying a new mix-- mind telling me what mix this is?
Yea, I like the larger groupings as well, but if I grow them both well I'll have two large mounds :-D
It's in perlite, orchiata, lava rock and a bit of leca (probably threw some small charcoal in too). I'm really digging how evenly the lava rock allows the mix to dry, it's very forgiving. I will eventually learn how to properly mound & wrap & most importantly water with sphag, I'm just not ready for that learning curve to impact my Neos ;-)
got plenty of NoID Phals for practice (remember my wife rescued 16 from the trash at an office bldg)