My apologies to any that have a more monstrous Neo - I've just always called this one "monster"
In a 4" pot. Leaf span of fans, tip to tip, is 7-8". The entire plant is nearly a foot across. Blooms are about 1 1/4" vertically, spurs are nearly 3". This has 13 fans, tho three of them only started last year.
7 spikes, 35 blooms. Slightly disappointing in that it had 10 spikes, around 50 blooms last year - but I'm not complaining very much
There's a subtle pink hue on the spurs.
Potted in a plastic pot, small fir bark mix.
I realize the light colored wall does not make the best back-drop for white blooms, but my camera died, and my phone doesn't do well in the lower light indoors
Last pic is with a more typically sized Neo for size comparison.
Thanks for looking