Thank you, it is doing well although it has not flowered for me yet.
I do not like mounted orchids, so I did the same thing with this one as I would on other mounted orchids.
I either take the plant off if possible, but with this one the roots were firmly attached to the mount, so I placed the entire mount inside a plastic pot with some moss covering the roots. This way, roots will grow into the moss and eventually the plant can come off easily.
The roots were going all over the place in the air and I do not like that, so I forced them back to the moss. lol
The growths went from 3 to five, and the oldest growth is developing what I think and hope might be a spike for the first time, but it could just be another new growth.
It is very slow, so I'll have to wait a while to find out exactly what that little thing is.
The entire plant is still small, so I think this is the mature size and I'm happy this is so small.
Now if the flowers end up really big, that would be the best thing for me!
I can't wait to see what the flowers will look like on this plant. I hope beautiful blue.