Originally Posted by Jayfar
Hehehe, you know that's true.
Good for you! And at a reasonable price too. I see Matt tried for that one as well.
You do know there's a minimaru shima listed for Friday nite? Oh wait, I see you already said you won't be bidding on that one.
I'm the luckiest one - I didn't win any (yet) this week. 
Yeah the price was pretty good! and no, i won't be getting a shima any time soon-- first, they're expensive and second, until I get the culture down of seds in general, I don't be laying too much cash down only to be disappointed when they die. My remaining shima is on its way out as is chabo.
I now know that I was in fact over watering and there are other factors involved, too. I can usually get a plant to replace their roots but with the fertilizer apparently burning the tips (and I used very light fertilizer), the health of the plant kept declining.
So the plants I do have remaining have been repotted using aquamat which I believe I can more adequately flush and keep them as airy as possible while keeping moisture available about the roots.
No idea if this will work but might as well try.
I have a minmaru I repotted earlier this week that has restarted old root tip growth and it's already growing on to a bit of the aquamat-- which is very good news!