yay these got beat down too in the famous storm. now I found 3 spikes on 2 plants with fat juicy buds on them. I dont want my stuff beat down to get buds but Ill sure take the buds after they been beaned. The smaller leafed plants like these didnt get beat so badly. You are thinking why does he do this ? This is why!!!
I kind of got put off with the neos when I discovered all the ones I wanted were expensive. I started with a few cheap ones and they didnt do too well for me in pots. So got these mounted and they are doing fine outdoors in full morning sun and almost getting burned evening sun. Watered when dry liberally. They are tagged as neofinetia falcata 'Asahiden' and are from Sunset Valley Orchids. He only had 2 and thats why I got 2. I cant leave one all alone and lonely ya know
Im excited to be back in the neos and they are growing for me flowers!!!!
Thanks you again
I've had one solitary single fan Neo for several years now. All it's done is sulk because of repeated scale attack. It seems to be coming around now that the scale seems to be gone. Fingers crossed we'll see more action in the future... Mine is potted up in LECA (but not really in S/H).