Woke up today and was like, I should share some pics of my neo collection. From one addict to another, here's my windowsill collection of neos. (Obviously my windowsill is not big enough. Need... more... room...
Excuse the bad lighting. My neos receive morning sun and this shot was taken not too long ago, while the sun was still shining on them from the outside. So... poor lighting for camera work.

Whole windowsill

(From right to left)
Furan, Houmeiden, Manjushage, Hisui, Kuro Shinju, Ryokuhou

(From right to left)
Aojiku-Yorodoishi, Hougyoku, Benikanzashi, Senzai, Seikai

(From right to left)
Raikoumaru, Kara-nishiki, Kogane-nishiki, Takara-nishiki, Shutennou

(From right to left)
Gojo-fukurin, Benisuzume, Shirai-to-nishiki, Amami-furan

(From right to left)
Same Amami-furan, Suikaden, Benisuzume (another), Shutennou (another), Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Blue Bird'
For a closer view on each individual plant, check out my flickr set.
Click Here