jeremiah.chua |
07-30-2013 09:50 PM |
Originally Posted by syspila
(Post 593845)
Got it...can the plant flip back as it gets older and builds more chlorophyl?
No, it shouldn't revert back as it ages. And to answer your question/concern about the lack of chlorophyl, that's actually the main thing that kills 'Manazuru'. It was advised to me, by Satomi, that I should avoid separating it from the cluster. Apparently, the main problem growers in Japan have with this mutation is that it quickly goes on a decline when it doesn't have a "host" plant. 'Manazuru' itself does not produce a lot of food, due to the obvious lack of chlorophyl. With that being said, it needs a host to feed it. Regular 'Nishidemiyako' plays the role of that host. I don't plan on EVER splitting this cluster up and am quite happy that there are two 'Nishidemiyako' plants and one 'Manazuru' on this certain individual cluster. I think a good ratio is 2 hosts for one "parasite", don't you think? :rofl:
Aesthetically, I think it is more beautiful when you have that one bright yellow oddball next to the beautiful dark green coloring. It kind of makes it glow more, in my eyes. So in the end, for me, it's a win-win situation.
Also, the plant behind/next to it, is my 'Gojo-fukurin'. I tried taking pics of it earlier today, when I was snapping shots of my 'Nishi/Mana' but it didn't come out very good and I was limited on time to even bother. I can attempt to snap some pics of it, if you'd like. It has growna tad since I received it a few months ago. It bloomed beautifully as well. It's another one of my prized Fukurin-type neos. Much larger, compared to my Nishidemiyako/Manazuru plant.
---------- Post added at 06:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:48 PM ----------
Originally Posted by LinhT
(Post 593859)
Wonderful shape, symmetry and variegation on this plant, Jeremiah! You should take this one to the next Fuukiran Judging event.
Aw wow, thanks Tracy! It means a lot to hear that from you! :bowing
I would love to take it to a show but it feels so wrong since I bought it like this. The only thing that has changed about it is probably more leaf growth. Hard to take credit for anything else, haha. I'm gonna see if I can make it to any of these judging events. It'd be awesome to attend one. :biggrin: