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Old 04-07-2013, 06:59 AM
coffeecup coffeecup is offline
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Your Top 10 Neo Wish List for 2013?
Default Your Top 10 Neo Wish List for 2013?

Growing season has started up again, and if you're anything like me, it always renews my excitement for growing Neos. I also find myself adding to my collection during this time of year.

I'm curious to see what everyone's top 5-10 must-have-Neos (or other Japanese orchids) are this year. It would be great to hear what you guys are after.

As for me, I don't have specific names, but rather general leaf or flower types I'm looking for. More specifically, I'm looking for super mini bean leaf types and unusual flower types. I do have a few names of those, but they've largely not been introduced to the US yet it seems. I'm also after flower types with any type of marked leaves, whether it be tiger, variegated, bean, etc. I also have to find a good Seikai and replace some of my Sedireas this year.
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bean, flower, growing, top, types, list, neo

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