What is your favorite potting media for the hybrids?
I have regular neos and always pot those in moss, I'm happy with those. My question today is= What is your fav for potting up the hybrids? I have one that looks like it has small lava rock in the pot, this one is a Darwinara 'Blue Star'. But I also have a Rainbow that is huge and I believe it needs repotting. Its hanging happier outside of the pot then in. I don't want to mount it...ginnibug
I use baskets and red lava rock for all the vanda-types; Lou sneary, aerides, falcata, angraecums, podangis, aerangis, ascocentrum, and actual vandas. I water often, though, to keep the roots happy. I even have the haraella mounted on a lava rock in a mini terraium. If your vanda-types do well with moss, there is no reason not to continue to use it.