Originally Posted by Bud
That is just adorable ! Now I know what my Neo will look like....I was given: (Neofinetia falcata ’green’ HISUI 翡翠)
And I am so looking forward to its blooms....
I am very excited for you, Sonya !
Aw - thanks Bud. I do love the green blooms!
My Amami Island has several spikes that have recently kicked into growing (it starts the spikes shortly after finishing blooming the previous year, and there they sit being very small until summer) - so nice to have some Neo blooms to help me be more patient waiting for that one
I have another Neo I got last summer, which may, or may not have a spike just sitting there
I didn't think it was a new fan (there IS new fan that started around the same time, which seemed to be easily identifiable as such - and has grown a lot faster than my mystery nub)
- but just not so sure now. Time will tell I know - wish it would grow a bit faster so I could tell sooner!