I think it was Kouen, but I'm not positive. I was so smitten with the Magetsu, I pretty much blocked out all the others on that rack.
As a side note, I talked to Satomi about carrying Kanuma soil since she had a few Cymbidiums there also. She was a little perplexed why I would want Kanuma and suggested bark and large perlite mixed but said she could get it in Japan for us if we really wanted it. Shoot her an e-mail if you are interested.
I'm thinking I may order a bag through her or from Dallas Bonsai. Ten Shin Gardens was next to her and had some awesome variegated Cymbidium Sinense in a pre-order box for someone. So he wrote the names on one of his cards and said he can ship to me when he comes back to the US in July.