Originally Posted by LinhT
Kip, post a photo of your Shunkyuden if you have time. Mine had more flowers this year but the blooms suffered some insect damage. Disappointing...
Oh that's right! I forgot you won that little Hokage on ebay? Now that you've seen it's potential, aren't you glad you got it?
I think, right now the only members are the 2 judges, who would be organizing the society. Katie (neokate) had mentioned that Satomi wanted to start an American neo society and Jason had every intention to do so a while ago but life and slipper lectures got in the way. Jim, what you're describing is definitley do-able. I don't know how 'official' the society is right now. It's probably just 2 members, our 2 judges?? I'm guessing things will start out in CA, where most of the neo fans are, it seems, then branch out. I'll email a few people and see if I can get any info and I'll PM you guys or post it here.
here's a picture of my shunkyuden:
I'll start a new thread when it finally blooms.
I've never had Hokage, I plan on buying one when I have more money. I don't think I've ever bought anything from you on ebay.
keep us updated on the neo society.