Originally Posted by Gin
Beautiful ! wish we had smell a vision  Gin
Yes, me too! I wish you guys could smell these. They don't all smell the same. There are subtle differences amongst the different varieties.
Originally Posted by DelawareJim
Ony half of mine are in bud this year so far. I hope the rest are just late.
Jim, don't be disappointed if some do not bloom. Certain varieties just simply "prefer" not to bloom? I've tried blooming some of them with higher light and it's seemed to have worked. However, the plant gets stress. The leaves aren't as blue green and a lot of times the blooms come out distorted.
By the way, I'm on the hunt for another pink one
Here are some other ones that opened up.
Spurless variety Hoshiguruma
Oborozuki (supposedly a better version of Akebono)
Tamagawa (thin cream edge on one side of the leaf but seems to be more apparent when I grow it in lower light. so I have more flowers this time but variegation does not show much)
Tenshou. I'm anxious for this to get bigger. It can take quite a bit of light and is pretty floriferous.
Maru Tamakongou (short, straight spurs with wider petals and sepals. leaves are rounder and not as pointy at the tips as Tamakongou)