Thanks for all the kind comments, everyone!
Originally Posted by Becca
Tougen is still alive some how!
SHUT UP!!!! For real?!?! Is it continuing to grow new roots? She must be happy to home with mom again.
Originally Posted by Don Perusse
My Setsuzan is also in bloom but only two flowers for the first time. Someone just gave me another Neo Hybrid and is now in bloom. Flowers small, golden yellow, one spike 7 flowers. It's: Neofinetia falcata X Asctm Miniatum. Guess I should take a pic.
Don, Setsuzan is a fast, robust grower (fast for a neo, that is) so you should have a nice size plant soon. Yes, please post a pic of your yellow hybrid, would love to see it. I see you joining Neo Addicts Anonymous with me soon. BTW, my mini catt 'Angel' is still alive, hooray!
Originally Posted by mollycart1
I really like the reddish-orange background on the photo.
That's the wall color of my room.

It's some kind of Martha Stewart red.
Originally Posted by mspatt
What is that leaf form (do I have the right terminology--I mean, is it "tiger stripe"?)? Did you get it from NWO?
Yep, Setsuzan has the tora fu or tiger stripe variegation. I got this one from Jason at Orchids Limited. I live 20 minutes away from OL.