Thanks for all your replies--I had just about decided that 56 degrees in July is a lot different than 56 degrees in November. So, I'm gonna chance it and leave them outside.
The buds are still pretty tightly closed, so I think/hope they will be o.k.
My camera is doing the same thing as yours,Nenella.

I can't get good focus on something that small and surrounded by spiky leaves--The spike with its buds is only about an inch and a half long and by the time I get home from work the light is not good. I was lucky because the orchid is a Benisuzume, so the spike was deep red and stood out from the leaves. On the white Neo, the only thing I can say is that the spike seems to originate from the base of the fan of leaves. (Am I right, you more experienced growers?) Here's hoping you do have a spike coming--this is the right time of year!!
I'll try for a picture this weekend when I can get better light--and then I can always try to use my husbands SLR digital!!