Neofinetia falcata 'Nishidemiyako' is a solid base variety with marginal (fukurin) variegation. Roots are light mud brown and tsuke (leaf to stem connection) is the common crescent moon shape. Flowers are standard shaped but a bit smaller than the regular flowers.
I got this one last Spring with 2 spikes that produced normal flowers. This year it gave me 2 spikes on the main growth with normal flowers PLUS 1 more spike on a smaller fan. 2 out of the 3 buds on this spike are double spurred and double lipped. I broke one off

. Thankfully the one bud survived me long enough to open up. This flower resembles flowers on Neo 'Soubiryu' (2 spur & 2 lip variety) but the symmetry is messed up on mine. This is all one plant.
Thanks for looking!