Thank you!
I've had this plant for two years now. It was a gift from a friend. Then I put it in to the basket and added some Tillandsias and it seems to like it.
It its hanging in mi growing area, may be at 1.5 meters from the floor. So it receives a medium luminocity. I water every day in summer because is very hoy here, and in winter I only do it when I see that the sphagnum is totally dry.
I don't have greenhouse, mi "little corner" or "bunker" (as I'm used to call my growing area) is an iron structure with this transparent plastic common in all greenhouses. Abobe this plastic I use a fabric to provide some shade, here we call ir "sarán" o "media sombra". But it isn't totally close, so it cannot create greenhouse efect (I mean "efecto invernadero").
I fertilize it all year with Peter's 20-20-20.
After this bloom, the little plant decide to show two more spikes! But I don't think it is a good idea to leave them bloom, beause I like to give some "rest" time to my plants, so they don't suffer such a big stress.
Last edited by izio116; 12-13-2008 at 08:33 PM..