This is how I re-pot my orchids
Photo #1:
Supplies:Orchid (of course), Long Fiber Sphagnum, Wire (I use 1.5 mm aluminum Bonsai Wire), New Pot (or the old one), Wire Cutters, Foam Packing Peanuts(make sure they are the more spongy type and not made of cornstarch)
#2:Thread packing peanuts onto length of wire cut on an angle for sharp end. The number of peanuts depends on the length of your roots.
#3:Fold the peanuts in half into a bundle.
#4:Remove orchid from pot and discard old moss. Cut off old dead roots.
#5:Place cleaned orchid onto peanut bundle. It may be necessary to put roots between the two folded halves of the peanut bundle.
#6:Wrap bundle with moss.
#7:Continue to wrap with moss until all of the roots and peanut bundle is covered.
#8: Wrap bundle with thread or monofilament ( I have some thread that mimics sphagnum strands)
#9: Place plant into new container and replace the label.
YOUR DONE Congratulations!