And Where do you get the thread that mimics sphagnum strands??
Thank you!
You can also get the pots and I think the sphagnum thread from New World Orchids ( If they aren't for sale on the website then I would try calling for availability.
Glen....your demonstration is wonderful! I am definitely a visual learner and I was reading your demonstration before I scrolled down to see the pictures and I was thinking I wish there were pictures! And then I scrolled down! I understand it perfectly now! I imagine this wouldn't work well with the s-shaped styrofoam peanuts? I will have to track down the kind you are using. I think you just may have solved my problem to me rotting roots in the traditional moss mounds! Thank you!
Great post, Glenn. Thank you for taking the time to put up all the photos. I'm sure this will help all the folks who are newly interested or just having problems with the mounds in general.
Wow Glen your tutorial was great. I took the peanuts out of my two Neo's a couple of weeks ago they were not the kind you use. But checking out the UK Forum I really like the curler idea cause I have a drawer full of them. I think I will try the curler routs....
I found some sheet moss used for baskets its new Zealand moss so I am going to use it.