Traded for a Neofinetia falcata Shutenno yesterday

This plant came from New World Orchids. Alex spoke to the Cape Fear Orchid Society, Wilmington, NC a few months back and brought plants

I was not able to attend so missed out

But yesterday visited a friend who was willing to part with this one. It is mounted on a small (2-1/2" x 8-1/2") board, nothing fancy. He grows in a modest greenhouse and it appears to be growing a new, third fan back against the board. But roots appear sparce. I grow outside under the trees in summer and inside under lights in winter. Couple of questions:
1. I would like to keep it outside as much as possible to maximize light, air circulation, humidity etc. Reading threads it will do OK into the low 40's at night ?
2. Can it take a full southern exposure this time of year ? Or should it be in some degree of shade ?
3. Is having it mounted OK or would you suggest potting it ?