Why do you grow Neofinetia falcata?
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Why do you grow Neofinetia falcata?
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Old 02-23-2014, 01:55 PM
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Why do you grow Neofinetia falcata? Male

Originally Posted by LinhT View Post
Lately we've had some more members posting in the Neo Forum on OB. Some of us have been here for a while. Some have recently joined. Some have joined BECAUSE OB has a Neofinetia Forum

For those of you who are into these little boogers, just thought it would be interesting to find out....

1)Who got you into Neos or how did you get into them?

2)Why do you love them?

3)Which ONE in your current collection is your absolute favorite? (yes, just ONE )

4)If you won the lottery today and price was no issue, which ones would you MUST have?

1. My first neo was one I saw in eBay. It was one fan and it never did well until I got a bigger group and planted it with the group. It's now one of the bigger fans. So I got in to it because of my own orchid interest.

2. They're so simple and yet incredibly elegant plants. I love their blooms but even when out of bloom, a healthy group can be a stunning plant to behold especially if it's of interesting foliage. And it helps that they have a scent that isn't just present but pretty amazing. I love those with different color flowers too.

3. Fugaku. There are many interesting ones that are variegated or bean leaf or screw leaf but in my opinion few challenge Fugaku for its variability and it's visual effect. And because I can't not mention a runner up...Kinrokaku for its brilliant tiger variegation and intensely red root tips.

4. I have no answer to this. I suppose of collect bean leaf stripe variegations as they're gorgeous but insanely expensive. I just can't pay those prices though even with all that money. I suppose is rather build a neo greenhouse instead!

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Old 02-23-2014, 02:08 PM
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Why do you grow Neofinetia falcata? Male

Because they're small, easy and fragrant. Right up my greenhouseless alley!
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Old 02-23-2014, 09:52 PM
LinhT LinhT is offline
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Originally Posted by MattWoelfsen View Post
I took my own advice and read all of the postings. A couple of the responders bought mounted Neofinetia from Andy's Orchids. I have bought my one and only mounted Neofinetia from Andy's too. I posted a picture of it several months ago. Thanks to s.kallima's sharp eyes, we determined that my mounted plant was NOT an Oonamiseikai.

A lot of the people who posted are listed as "banned". This is probably a poor designation as many of these folks were very active but perhaps banned since they have not posted?

It may seem that Neofinetia were challenging to acquire back then. Today, it doesn't seem as difficult and the plants are not as expensive, right? I hope people will continue to update this thread with their own story.
Who has been banned? I tried looking through this thread but did not find any banned posters...
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Old 02-23-2014, 10:21 PM
MattWoelfsen MattWoelfsen is offline
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Originally Posted by LinhT View Post
Who has been banned? I tried looking through this thread but did not find any banned posters...
I go through tapatalk to access this forum. When I click on the poster's profile, the tapatalk profile shows banned. But when I go to the website via Safari (Apple's Internet app) it lists each individual as "offline".
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Old 02-24-2014, 02:24 AM
NYCorchidman NYCorchidman is offline
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Why do you grow Neofinetia falcata?

1. I always had them as a kid, but got started again when I saw a multiple growth plant on the mount at a local store last winter.

2. It is small so does not take up much space. It has so far been easy. The blooms were very nicely scented and looked very interesting. Enchanting I would say.

3. I only have the common white flowered type. lol
I do have two hybrids involving neofinetia falcate though.

4. Hmmmm no answer to this one. I know there are some that are quite expensive, but I'm not really into that. I do want to add some colored ones, like pink and yellow flowered varieties, even green one!

I will first have to see my neo will bloom again for me without the proper winter rest in my apartment. If all goes well this year, then I would definitely add colored varieties.
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Old 02-24-2014, 04:47 PM
GardenTheater GardenTheater is offline
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Why do you grow Neofinetia falcata?

1. It was recommended to me as a plant that might grow outside most of the year in my climate. It was so nice looking and small that I grow indoors. LOL.
2. Looks good out of bloom, is small, easy to care for and has an interesting scented flower.
3. I killed a green and white flowered one that was the most expensive one of the 3 I've purchased. Now just have a NOID (large like Amani) and a Shuteno. Noid bloomed after I had it 7 months, but didn't rebloom. I'm going to try less frequent watering per a discussion I had with Seed Engei rep at orchid show. Don't have a favorite.
4. Would likely get a bean leaf....not into it enough to know a name. I really love the pots and have a beautiful one from Japan.

Last edited by GardenTheater; 02-24-2014 at 04:57 PM..
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