ah the old ghost question on OB.
I call it such because it is a question posed to a member that hasn't been seen in over a decade
But the good news is they did say before the left. The plant was sprayed at the roots daily and the whole pot flushed out weekly.
So I'd say the lecca was rehydrated on a daily basis.
Me, I try to avoid the daily watering, I grow a lot of varieties that other people water daily.
Sometimes I don't water mine for months.
Like this example, last watered at new year (ok I did just spot some yellow leaf tips I need to investigate on the left one, maybe spray the roots a bit more, I know they would benefit but I tried neo's not been too impressed so far but then again I haven't gotten them to flower yet so I will persevere with them and hopefully that will change my mind about me finding them boring so far.
It could always be they don't like my sparse watering.