Originally Posted by lambelkip
I'm afraid Physan is not ok for any type of orchid. it is a harsh chemical, and works by dissolving the outer layer of cells on the plant, washing any infection away in the process. Regular use can cause serious damage, and it's never ok to use it to remove harmless algae. try pouring rubbing alcohol over the plant, rinse it off, and re-pot it in fresh moss.
I am sorry but I have to disagree with this. I have been using Physan for many years with no issues (if it is mixed as per the instructions). It is an excellent product for many different problems. It is sold and recommended by many orchid growers both commercially and privately.
Neokate, Physan is a chemical and should never be used in a manner that it is inhaled or comes in contact with your skin. The label clearly states that you should use protection when using the product.
We all have opinions and products that we like so you should do the research if you feel that it may or may not be right for the application you are using it for.