Originally Posted by Roberta
Neos are quite forgiving. But especially in winter, they do need to dry out a bit. (not bone-dry but the moss should be pretty dry to the touch if not crispy) Leptotes definitely needs to dry out.
Both of their mosses were almost crispy. I also did my best to not douse them in water, just get the moss to a nice moisture but not wet.
The second shelf the Leptotes is on gets about 70-80% humidity night and day, and the top shelf is about 70-75% and is warmer. Should I move the Leptotes up to help it dry out some?
The Neo is in a spot on the bottom of the cabinet where it's probably 80-85% humidity and it gets good indirect light, unlike under the second shelf that's a bit more shaded and gets to 90-95% at night for the highland Nepenthes I have.
Originally Posted by Roberta
Leptotes is in the Cattleya alliance.
Out of interest, what makes Leptotes qualify to be in the Cattleya alliance? I know I might be asking for a way more complicated answer than normal.