Originally Posted by RubyRootsRule
Hi WaterWitchin,
I got bit by the neo bug pretty bad, just wondering, have you decided how you're going to wrap your neos?
... Neofinetia pots have a large hole at the bottom for air flow. This large hole also enables you to know when it's time to water again, the outside moss might be crispy but the inside will still be damp. So you wait until it's just dry to water again.
Actually, no I haven't. I tried a couple of sphag wraps, and laughed at my results. (I don't have any 5A sphag, so Camille was spot on about that part.) It's currently sitting on a mount of sphag on a plate, and I mist it until I figure out what to do.
Meanwhile, I found a Neo with the purplish color on the spurs and foolishly bought it. It was toasted during transit, and the smallest little thing I've ever had (smaller than the Podangis I was shocked by a ways back).
So I'm sitting around, shaking my head, and looking at these two plants and attempting to regroup my sanity.