What's up with the non-Misukage Misukage?
There are some very nice Misukage out there, though the right lighting is needed to bring out the pattern even in a good representative. Virtually all the individuals I've seen for sale have very little variegation and most have no none at all. I suspect that these non-Misukage Miskage have their origins as seed, and that most turn out either normal green, either entirely lime green, with only a few (if any) having the quality of the original.
It would be nice if sellers would make up their minds. Is a Neo variety the 'blood line", or is it having the actual features. This is mostly a rhetorical question, but feel free to comment. I am aware of the differences in the AOS vs. Japanese approach to varieties and cultivars.
The Misukage I have was an eBay impulse buy some time ago. It has shima stripes on one growth, but that it. I made the purchase hoping that there were more, but just not visible in the photo.
Is there a trick I don't know about, such as high light, low light, or cool/warm temperature, fertilizer or lack thereof, or watering with beer (J/K)?