One or two leaves if you are super lucky and give it good culture. Bad choice if you are interested in blooming it. I have had my Hime Seikai for 8 1/2 years and never bloomed it. Most growers you hear about who have bloomed it, purchased it from a commercial grower who initiated the spike. If your conditions are different from mine, you might have a small chance. I grow indoors under natural sunlight. I suspect that the most unfavorable aspect of my conditions are low winter humidity which might be the reason for never blooming it. Note plant shows good example of root training.
If you prefer small growing neos, tamakongo is a better choice for a beginning neofinetia grower, as it is easier to bloom than Hime Seikai (although not as easy as many larger neos) , is a strong grower and is not as costly.
Making mistakes in choice of plants purchased and growing decisions is guaranteed in this hobby so it’s best not to be discouraged as you will learn. Depending on what you are after, Hime Seikai could be a mistake or a good purchase. I’ve been at it for over 50 years and still make mistakes which are unavoidable.
Are you growing under natural sunlight or lights? Bark or bark mix or sphag?