Hi everyone! I'm new here! I'm so excited to be one of you guys!

I have been growing orchids for one year, but I have no experience of growing neos through winter.
So... Here are good news and bad news...
Good news is I managed to win an auction of Neofinetia Musashi from Satomi on eBay!
Bad news is... It became weird under my care

The leaves became soft, especially the part connected to the tsuke, which made me a little bit worried. Also, it seems the bottom leaf is yellowing and wrinkles on the leaves are getting more?
I pot it in a basket with very loose moss. I soak it up every morning, and it will dry out in the night. Daytime temperature is about 75, and night is 68.
I guess it is under some unknown stress, but I don’t know what’s going wrong. Satomi is on her vacation right now so it is almost impossible to get response from her.
If you guys have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to advise me!