Thank you for your suggestions!
It's always a struggle when I decide which is the best way to grow.
I once mounted neos on moss as the traditional way. But I found out it was way too wet for the roots. (I wonder how they water in winter like this way? Just spraying?)
And I really appreciate mounting on chunks. I think it is the healthiest way for the roots. But I'm too lazy to water them more than twice a day...
I now keep them in moss loosely because it is easy to see if it has dried out and it dries out fast.
For the Musashi, I think I've found out why the leaves are soft!

I used to pour water on it and water was stuck between the tsuke... Now I stopped doing this and the leaves became normal.
So, NO POURING is what I've learned...

Especially the kinds that have complex shape of tsuke... easier to retain water
