Hi everyone.

Yesterday I went to Redland Orchid Fest and it was fabulous! I arrived armed with a mom's day gift card to my favorite local nursery and though I shopped other vendors as well, I purchased my very first Neo (
V. falcata) from the great local place.
They are well known for their Vandas and keep all of them, (Neos included), bare root and in baskets. We are in humid and warm South Florida, yet, my own outdoor growing conditions are not as humid as the greenhouses at the nursery.
I would much prefer to have her potted and know that many grow this species in pots, and beautifully at that. I do not think the traditional Japanese style is wise given that I have a happy bare rooted plant here. However, how about potting and caring for her like my Cattleyas? They are in clay balls and bark in well-ventilated clay pots and in the hot season, get water every 24-48 hours when it doesn't rain here in SoFlo. My collection is on a covered, screened-in porch so they do not get direct rain, but they do get some spray and very high humidity on rainy days.
I do like to water
So, will the Neo be happy with similar? I have seen advice to keep her consistently moist AND to let her dry, so... I can accomplish either in a pot and tend to lean more towards letting her dry, but not for long, here on my humid porch.
I'd be grateful for any advice.