It's not uncommon for some root death as a plant acclimatizes to new conditions. It was probably grown in a humid warm greenhouse, so the transition to your apartment (despite your efforts) is the likely culprit. It sounds like you're doing all the right things for this species, which is relatively forgiving. I've only grown this plant mounted. I would soak daily instead of
misting, but that's what works for me. My anecdotal experience is that soaking allows for moisture to penetrate deeper into the mount, which then releases the moisture gradually, rather than the superficial moisture you get with
misting, which likely evaporates in an hour.
My advice would be to keep monitoring it - if the leaves start showing signs of desiccation, or no new roots grow, you might consider changing your culture, but 1 month is not really long enough for any conclusions beyond adjustment from previous growing conditions

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