Anyone else growing Aeranthes caudata?
I have a small one and I'm curious how large the plants need to be to be blooming size, how long I might expect that to take.
I bought this plant in spring of 2016, and since then it has grown two entirely new leaves, which are bigger than the old leaves, and this summer dropped one of its oldest leaves and also started another new leaf.
It seems basically happy and healthy, but I looked up pictures of blooming plants this summer and all the photos looked like plants that were quite a bit bigger than this (4-5" pots; mine is still in 2") - of course I don't know if they have to get to that size, or if they'll bloom smaller/younger.
Conditions: I'm growing in my apartment, temps run 65 in winter to 70s (high of 80/80+ for short times) in summer, it gets watered 2-3 times a week and fertilized weakly on an irregular and infrequent basis. For most of its time here it's been sitting near a south-facing window. Light seems bright, but almost all of what the plant gets is "indirect" - it's to the side of the window, so it gets some direct sun early in the day.
Photos are the plant about a month after purchase, the plant today, and the plant on its current shelf near the window.