Angraecoid considerations
I'm considering ordering from Botanica Ltd for angraecoids sometime this fall but I'm a little conflicted. Most of the one's I'm looking at require high humidity (eg Aerangis luteo-alba, Angraecum urschianum) but I have an Aerangis fastuosa that is doing fine for me right now, which from what I heard requires high humidity, along with two healthy Angraecums. My humidity drops to as low as 30% when winds come in and yet they still grow regularly. I don't know if any of you have any experiences with angraecoids and humidity but if you do please share. Here are my considerations:
-aerangis luteo-alba
-aerangis distincta
-aeranthes grandiflora
-angraecum urschianum
-eurychone rothschildiana
-jumellea comorensis
-oeoniella polystachys