first blooming plant with 2 spikes and some 17 flowers (9 in one and another 8 in the second spike) first one started opening today. might be a week or two before the full spike is fully open.
Flowers are just breathtaking, good size, outstanding color, (no idea about the scent) easy grower (slow), and really interesting plant.
this plant is also very similar to Sobenikoffia robusta.
Great job blooming this one! After seeing it in the Joyce Stewart book, I've been trying to figure out how to make room for one as it is quite large. Love the flower shape and know I'd love scent too. Even the buds are pretty. Thanks for posting!
Ps. If you have time, please post another photo when more buds are open. It is enchanting and definitely cast a spell on me.
Last edited by GardenTheater; 04-29-2014 at 09:20 AM..