Originally Posted by GardenTheater
...Botanica uses Spanish Moss (I thinks it's actually a type of bromeliad) to cushion plants in shipment. Does anyone know if it actually raises humidity around the roots if it's hung on them?
Beautiful orchid plants GardenTheater--congratulations!
And then there is the Spanish Moss. I was surprised when my Vanda arrived. It was in a basket, no media but Spanish Moss. I contacted my orchid society friend and he told me that some growers use this moss to help raise humidity. But it primarily serves as decoration. He suggested that I keep the moss in place unless it dies off. When I asked if dying moss is an indicator that the orchid was also in trouble, he thought a moment and said, yes, the moss is a faster reactor to what I've done to the plant--over watering (hard to do if it is hanging in a basket) or too much fertilizer or too much sun, or too hot temperature or too cold or not enough fresh air. I showed him your post, he said the moss was not packing material.
My initial reaction was to remove the moss, but after three weeks, it kind of grows on you.