Originally Posted by Leafmite
Wow, Brook, wow!
I do have a question about using sphagnum on mounts. Do you need to change the moss after a time?
I currently have the angraecum in fine bark, doing quite well (except for the bit of sunburn when I forgot to take it in after the rain). I plan to mount this when it needs repotted. Mine is so small, I hope one of my kids catch on to the orchids
Leaf I never change the sphag on any mount. I've never had an issue with it causing any problems because I've never had it decay. I do use very good sphag.
Remember the distichum is a real shade lover but still needs the moisture.
Bud I'm surprised you can put plants on the fire escape? I thought that was illegal.
"Thank you Brooke and everyone else. I will mount it today & pray. The last time I repotted it it didn't bloom for 2 years."
LeeB if you click on the picture you will see where previous blooms are on the foliage. You will only get more blooms as it grows longer plus get new growths from the leaves. It multiplies from the base and off the longer foliage. Mine puts out one big bloom cycle but I will also get a couple of other bloomings but not as many flowers.