Hey there,
My first post!
I got a big orchid from my dad last week... The thing had been standing outside in the cold and the rain.
So i took it in, and with an old photo i could identify it as an Angraecum eburneum var superbum...
Here's what's what so far:
It's BIG, and has 10 leaves now, the old ones are mostly cut off at the tip and have some brown spots or burn marks.
The bottom (above ground) has shed 2 or 3 leaves on one side (dont know if thats normal) and doesnt seem to have grown any new roots for quite a while now.
Because it had been sitting there for a very long time i decided to check the roots (knowing that angraecum supposedly have very delicate roots and dont like being disturbed) I found a big pot FULL of roots, more than half of them dead (dry though) so i did a big trim and repotted it in some fresh medium (bark with bits of peat or turf, prefertilised)
It is now in a niche-window facing north-east and gets a lot of light. Maybe an hour or 2 of sun in the morning, then just indirect light throughout the day (a lot of which is reflected off the white building opposite)
Though i guess it'll pick up again soon (i hope) i was wondering if i can do anything to encourage new root growth? And also ive noticed that one of the newer leaves, which is getting to full size, is bending under its own weight and has 'split' along the length because of this bend... Is that normal or do i need to prevent this and how?
Any other info would be nice!
Wow long first post, thx for reading