Originally Posted by Orchids4ever
Hi Ordphien
How i do it? it is not easy-but you have to deal with what Life throws your way.I too would LOVE to live in a House with South and West facing Windows-on an Acre-with a Greenhouse and a fish Pond and--etc etc.But as Life is -it is not happening-for me-.Unless i win big in the Lotto
And when we moved in here-we could call ourself Lucky-i dont want to go into Details-And it was before my Addiction ( to Orchids) I live in a Condo with North and East Facing Windows-and you are right-it is at Times -especially this Time of Year-dark in here.But Spring and Summers are good-we got big Windows 8'x6' and i try to provide enough Light and what ever else my Orchids need and sofar so good.
And you know-if everybody lived at the South Side-you would have no Neighbores acrosse the Street
Well I bow to you sir!
And here I stress about my light levels.
Those are really big Windows btw....
Lol... I don't have any neighbours across the street. Just a hill with some wildlife...
You've inspired me to get this plant!
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