I've recently taken a huge step and finally (after a lot nail biting and indecision) entered the vanda scene with the purchase of three different vanda type orchids: one Ascofinetia Cherry Blossom, a Vandachostylis Colmarie and an Aerangis elro (Aerangis modesta x platyphylla).
Now, the Ascofinetia and the Aerangis come mounted. Kind of. They are tied to a piece of wood, but their roots are hanging like normal vanda roots and so the plants themselves are not attached to the wood, as far as I can see.
I don't like the setup, and would like to change them into something different. I only have one small wooden vanda basket where the Ascofinetia will fit nicely, but I'm just not sure what to do with the aerangis. I just know I have a very strong urge to do SOMETHING with it, and to pot it or mount it differently.
Do they grow well potted in e.g. large pieces of fir bark? Or do they prefer another growth medium. Or do they grow best bare rooted as vandas? Or maybe tucked into a metal basket with coir cover? Or should I rather try to get hold of another vanda basket? Oh, all the options...and I just have no idea what to do.
At the moment it is hanging in a vase, and vase culture could maybe also be an option...if I take off the piece of wood.
What's your experiences with aerangis? What do they like? How do I keep the roots happy?