You're in Atlanta (hot and humid)? I would place the compot outside in a fairly bright area where it gets indirect light (avoid direct sunshine since they're small seedlings) and keep the moss moist (which is not the same thing as soaking wet) to encourage root growth. Maybe give the seedlings some very dilute fertilizer once in a while, but keep in mind that the moss will absorb the fertilizer and it's much harder to flush excessive amounts of fertilizer out of moss than bark. If you can water with reverse osmosis water (or distilled water) instead of tap (and especially do not ever use water that's been processed through a water softener), that would also be beneficial (but if tap's your only option--again, no softened water--let a container of if sit overnight in order for the chlorine to dissipate out of it). I would wait until they get a little older and larger before transplanting them into individual pots, but that's just my opinion. Hopefully someone who's had firsthand experience with this species will provide some feedback. Good luck!