every one
i want to buy a flask of Dendrophylax funalis
and want to know how i will deflask it and if it is as hard to grow as the florida ghost orchid of which it is related
Here is a link to the only person I know who sells this species: HBI, Producer of Fine Orchids in Flask He has lots of flasks too. I grow funalis and its pretty easy to grow. I bought an adult though, so I can't tell you how hard the babies are to grow.
I got some from H&R a while ago. The plants grow on top of the agar, sans a few anchoring roots. I smashed the flasks, and didn't try to hard to separate the plantlets as the roots will break ultra easy. I put the clumps on top of live spanish moss in a propagation flat. After they harden off you can start to separate them. If you can get them in humid rather stagnant conditions the better.