Ron, have you ever tried pollinating these? I have a friend who has his own lab and currently has many fantastically rare Angs in flask. I don't think he has either of these though. It would be awesome to get more of these rare species more available in collections.
I am speechless when ever i see this one, it is my favorit orchid of all...But sadly, i cant have it in Europe from anywhere.... Just wiating for the time when it will be seld here also
I am speechless when ever i see this one, it is my favorit orchid of all...But sadly, i cant have it in Europe from anywhere.... Just wiating for the time when it will be seld here also
It's hard to find here also. Hope you get it eventually.
I find this plant very interesting. Since I have some Angraecum in my collection but not this always manage to surprise me with new plants...thats why I always await your postings for the next wonderful you have to give us.