Does anybody know whether this is a synonym or maybe a recent discovery. The name is not listed in Joyce's book and not listed in OrchidWiz. Google does not produce many hits. I can post a picture later: the plant's growth habitus is quite distinctive. Very tall, stiff and long dark grean leaves.
I don't see it referenced in anything by Fred Hillerman or Joyce Stewart. There's an Angraecum erectum, which I had seen before, and an Aeranthes erectiflora, which I've never run across.
It sounds like you either have something rather uncommon or Jumellea erecta is a victim of revisionist taxonomy. If you have any pictures, I'd be happy to see if I stumble across anything similar.
Here is a picture of the flower I got from a Frenchman hobbyist...I emailed him to give me the parents names and also his culture in caring for the orchid.