You gals beat me to it! The vendor selling on ebay is legitimate and I got 2 distinctas from him a while back. One has
bloomed already . Definitely go for it (and the price is right too).
It's funny with these angraecoids; the come in waves, and then disappear off the market. I suppose it's a matter of low demand, as well as the difficulty in propagating these monopodials (no one is really doing any stem-props on these guys).
A flask will appear, flood the market for a period, and then the plant is gone. Several years ago, punctata was everywhere, and now it's nearly impossible to find. Distincta, on the other hand, was no where to be seen; now I see several European vendors carrying it, and it's only a matter of time before they find their way to N. America
Call Botanica - I know they have a magnificent multi-floral punctata clone, and they were selling divisions of it just recently (at an arm and a leg though). If you're really desperate, Troy Meyers has it in the process of being reflasked. Otherwise, I don't know of any other nurseries that have it. Keep an eye out though - you never know when it might appear.