Aghh I dumped my Angraecum on the Floor!!!!!
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Aghh I dumped my Angraecum on the Floor!!!!!
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Old 01-13-2011, 10:35 AM
Cattleya17 Cattleya17 is offline
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Exclamation Aghh I dumped my Angraecum on the Floor!!!!!

Hey guys i fell like a heel!!!! i was picking up one of my chids for watering and i didnt notice where my arms were and i knocked my Angraecum Leonis on the floor!!!! it fell out of the pot and the medium it was growing in came loose!!!! what do i do? some of the old roots snapped right off! the plant is currently making new roots should i repot it? It has two old flower stems still green not broken, should i leave those on or snip them to reduce stress and maybe have it focus more on roots? if i should go ahead and repot what is the best thing to use

Please help!!!!! i hope i didnt just kill this Guy!
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:03 PM
Triffid Triffid is offline
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Aghh I dumped my Angraecum on the Floor!!!!! Female

Personally I would attempt to repot. Making sure that you use the same type of media that it was in before. This is because the new roots would have been adjusting to the current environment/media that you grow it in. Just be gentle so as not to damage the new roots.

I would also, if not damaged and green, leave the stems on as with some plants they will, if necessary, absorb back some of the energy from old leaves and stems.

Keep caring for it as you have been doing and monitor daily. With any luck the plant will adjust and recover in time.

Just my
But I'm sure someone with more experience will chime in soon!
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Old 01-13-2011, 04:56 PM
Zoi2 Zoi2 is offline
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Don't feel too bad, we've all done it at some point. I agree, repot it and watch it.
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Old 01-13-2011, 06:39 PM
Cattleya17 Cattleya17 is offline
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i really feel bad! im really nervous! i know that angraecums as a whole dont like to have roots disturbed i will repot tomorrow. i dont have any fresh moss hanging around. the place i got it from grew it in moss.
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Old 01-14-2011, 01:47 AM
Orchidreamer Orchidreamer is offline
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Aghh I dumped my Angraecum on the Floor!!!!! Female

I just did that today! I was placing a catt next to another catt, and somehow the other catt got tipped over and fell off the table to the floor. The potting mix was everywhere and the rootball came loose. I just put the plant back into its pot. I did this with so many other orchids...but don't worry, orchids are tough.

If you don't have new medium right now, just put the old medium back in the pot to cover the roots.
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Old 01-14-2011, 07:09 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I've done that a few times My husband found it funniest when I decided to adjust the base of a shelf without taking the plants off first and one of them landed on my head. Having picked it up and put it back on the shelf I continued to adjust the base and it landed on me a second time... boy did I feel stupid and he was

Anyway, don't worry too much. Pot it back up, as Triffid said try and use the same medium or a matching medium. I usually dry and pick up as much as I can then top up with new stuff of the same.

Leave the growths on. Often new growths often come with new roots. Growths also produce energy. If the plant does not have the energy for them it will just divert it where needed. Let it make the choice.
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Old 01-17-2011, 11:45 PM
DeAnne DeAnne is offline
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Who has not dumped a plant. You are in luck because the plant is starting new roots and not in a rest period. You did not say whether there was any leaf damage such as scrapes or bruises. You might want to treat those areas with a disinfectant. As advised by others, re pot gently and your plant will be fine. I have a number of these beauties .and they do resent having roots disturbed,but other than skipping bloom for a year they are pretty tough.

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Old 01-21-2011, 06:04 AM
Triffid Triffid is offline
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Aghh I dumped my Angraecum on the Floor!!!!! Female

Plants falling etc. Yep, know that one. I know a few of mine have tried to flee (so to speak). Luckily never had to much of a problem with recovery except for one.

And another 'chid just jumped of it's perch the other day. Luckily only one of the blooms was damaged. But sooner or later I know my lucks going to run out.


Cattleya17, how's your precious doing so far?
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Old 01-21-2011, 06:19 PM
Cattleya17 Cattleya17 is offline
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Its ok! thanks for all your stories! sometimes its hard to see you are not the only one lol. the leaves a wrinkling slightly so i guess its just adjusting to being jolted and potted. the roots still have green tips and are advancing. hopefully it pulls through! if it doesn't i will live.
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aghh, angraecum, dumped, fell, floor, repot, roots

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