Originally Posted by SOS
Joyce says psuedofilicornu grows at 1000m on trees in humid forests.
Filicornu is found near the sea and up 800m.
Both from Madagascar, initially I wouldnt worry about it as cooler temperatures cannot carry humidity as well and Angs will be entering a rest period shortly.
Agreed. If your humidity fluctuates during the day your plants will probably be healthier anyway since it will force them to adapt to your conditions. The winter humidity levels here in the Midwest are probably going to be a lot lower, on average, than yours are in Orlando, and my angraecums do just fine. Unless you have species that really like a lot of water, I wouldn't water them every day in an attempt to make up for the lower humidity. Increasing the amount of water in the pots isn't going to help offset low humidity levels, especially since it's the leaves that are the primary beneficiaries of atmospheric humidity (unless the plants are mount, in which case the exposed roots also benefit from the humidity).